Sunday 16 November 2014

New Day, New lecturer, New Trip ~

NOVEMBER 11, 2014; TUESDAY; 10.00a.m.-12.00p.m; at BS 1.4

Hallooo,, Assalamualaikum friends :)

For your information, Profesor Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff were started to take over our class and give a lecture for a topic on Microbial Genetics.
When I look at her, She has smiley eyes and always like to smile. She is beautiful :) Ha. Prof said that she likes to play Lumosity which is online brain training and neuroscience research company based in San Fransisco, California. Check it out all!

Okay,, for the first lecture on this topic, I had learnt :

  1. Structure and Function of Genetic Material 
  • Genetics, genome, gene, genetic code, genotype and phenotype is defined.
  • The genetic information transferred is described.
  • The process of DNA replication is described.
  • The process of Transcription and Translation is described.

    In my view, for this topic I have to redraw, rewrite many times to understand and also to remember it. I must do it! Besides that, There is much explaination provided in youtube for us to revise. Honestly, I love this topic in other words I like topic that involve a process. To me, process is quite easy to learn and memorise.

NOVEMBER 14,2014 ; 7.00a.m.-5.00p.m.

At 6.50a.m. I go to cafe and get together with all my friend and participants from 2nd and 3rd year. While waiting for the bus to come, I take a breakfast. At 7.25a.m. the bus still not coming. Unfortunately, there is misunderstanding between the driver and us. When first bus arrived, all the participants get in first and my friends and I have to wait for the next 'Bas Khas' about 8 minutes later. We were reached at SACC Convention, Shah Alam. But all the participants not yet. They were deviated and I thought that the driver was not using 'Waze'. Haih.= = ' .. Dr, please give him a lesson. :D

They were busy set up their booth for a preparation to be jugde by the judges. If I'm not mistaken, we were there from 8.30a.m until 12.15p.m. While they being judge, we went to SACC mall and shopping ! HEHE. Then, we eat at Malay restaurant. The price was sooo expensive. OMG! a plate of rice+chicken+vegetable-water = RM 8.00 (O.O) 'cekik DARAH'
Our first trip :)

Alright, tired of shopping.. At 3.00 p.m. We had a class with Prof. Eventhough we are so tired but class is  MUST to attend.

Lecture 2
Microbial Genetics

On this subtopic, we have to be able to explain the regulation of gene expression in bacteria.

Important to know about the structure of operon, and also the key terms.

  1. Feedback inhibition : End product of biosynthtic pathway inhibits the activity of the first enzyme.
  2. Repression : Inhibit gene expression and decrease the synthesis of enzymes. 
  3. Repressor : Block the ability of RNA polymerase to initiate transcription that required corepressor in order to bind to operator site.
  4. Corepressor : Controls enzyme synthesis

To me, for this topic that involved many process, it is easier for us to remember through the videos. So that, we are be able to see it live.

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