Friday 21 November 2014

Day by Day, Microbes are Interesting :*

NOVEMBER 18, 2014; TUESDAY; 10.00a.m.-12.00p.m.; ta BS 1.4

Hi and Assalamualaikum:) :)

I came to class late at 10.20a.m. Actually at 9.30 I'd ready to go to class but a felt sleepy because last night I sleep quite late then I fall a sleep at 9.30a.m. HUHU. Lucky Prof didn't ask me anything.HUH

Lecture 3

  1. We have to be able to define mutation : any inheritable change in the base sequence of DNA. 
  2. We have to be able to classify mutation by type :
  • Base Substitutions (Point Mutation)
a) Silent
c) Nonsense
  • Frameshift Mutation
a)Insertion or deletion
b) Shift in the reading frame

Watch this video to more understand about type of mutations

     3. We have to be able to define mutagens : Biological, chemcial, or physical agent, process or substance that cause permanent genetic change (mutation) in a cell due to genetic alterations or loss of genes or chromosomes. 

NOVEMBER 21, 2014; FRIDAY; 8.00 a.m.-10.00a.m.

At morning, we have class at BioTech2 with Dr. Wan.. Waa,, miss her so much!
Continued for topic on Viruses and Other Acellular Infectious Agents
Scrible I

Scrible II
Acellular agents : Not a living cell until it take over their metabolism of host.

  1. We have to be able to defines the terms of virology : is the study of viruses - submicroscopic, parasitic particles of genetic material contained in a protein coat and virus-like agents. Bacteriophages : A virulent virus that kill phatogenic bacteria that harmful to human. Phages : Short for bacteriophage, a virus that lives within a bacteria. A virus for which the natural host is a bacterial cell.

At 11.00a.m.-12.00p.m

Lecture 4
 by Prof.

On subtopic : Genetic Transfer and Recombination

Its all about

1. Transformation : Gene transfer from one bacterium to another as 'naked' DNA in solution
  • Griffith's experiment
2. Transduction : Donor DNA transfer is madiated by a virus
  • Generalized -->
  • Specialized -->

3. Conjugation :
                                    -Transfer involve cell to cell contact
                                    -Conjugative plasmid is the donor cell

Sunday 16 November 2014

New Day, New lecturer, New Trip ~

NOVEMBER 11, 2014; TUESDAY; 10.00a.m.-12.00p.m; at BS 1.4

Hallooo,, Assalamualaikum friends :)

For your information, Profesor Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff were started to take over our class and give a lecture for a topic on Microbial Genetics.
When I look at her, She has smiley eyes and always like to smile. She is beautiful :) Ha. Prof said that she likes to play Lumosity which is online brain training and neuroscience research company based in San Fransisco, California. Check it out all!

Okay,, for the first lecture on this topic, I had learnt :

  1. Structure and Function of Genetic Material 
  • Genetics, genome, gene, genetic code, genotype and phenotype is defined.
  • The genetic information transferred is described.
  • The process of DNA replication is described.
  • The process of Transcription and Translation is described.

    In my view, for this topic I have to redraw, rewrite many times to understand and also to remember it. I must do it! Besides that, There is much explaination provided in youtube for us to revise. Honestly, I love this topic in other words I like topic that involve a process. To me, process is quite easy to learn and memorise.

NOVEMBER 14,2014 ; 7.00a.m.-5.00p.m.

At 6.50a.m. I go to cafe and get together with all my friend and participants from 2nd and 3rd year. While waiting for the bus to come, I take a breakfast. At 7.25a.m. the bus still not coming. Unfortunately, there is misunderstanding between the driver and us. When first bus arrived, all the participants get in first and my friends and I have to wait for the next 'Bas Khas' about 8 minutes later. We were reached at SACC Convention, Shah Alam. But all the participants not yet. They were deviated and I thought that the driver was not using 'Waze'. Haih.= = ' .. Dr, please give him a lesson. :D

They were busy set up their booth for a preparation to be jugde by the judges. If I'm not mistaken, we were there from 8.30a.m until 12.15p.m. While they being judge, we went to SACC mall and shopping ! HEHE. Then, we eat at Malay restaurant. The price was sooo expensive. OMG! a plate of rice+chicken+vegetable-water = RM 8.00 (O.O) 'cekik DARAH'
Our first trip :)

Alright, tired of shopping.. At 3.00 p.m. We had a class with Prof. Eventhough we are so tired but class is  MUST to attend.

Lecture 2
Microbial Genetics

On this subtopic, we have to be able to explain the regulation of gene expression in bacteria.

Important to know about the structure of operon, and also the key terms.

  1. Feedback inhibition : End product of biosynthtic pathway inhibits the activity of the first enzyme.
  2. Repression : Inhibit gene expression and decrease the synthesis of enzymes. 
  3. Repressor : Block the ability of RNA polymerase to initiate transcription that required corepressor in order to bind to operator site.
  4. Corepressor : Controls enzyme synthesis

To me, for this topic that involved many process, it is easier for us to remember through the videos. So that, we are be able to see it live.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Having a Good Time ~

NOVEMBER 07,2014; FRIDAY; 8.15a.m.-12.15p.m.; at BK 1.3

Hi and Assalamualaikum all ;)

For this week, we had no class on Tuesday but we had started the class on Friday 2 hours early. Before that, we are already submitted our mind map on Viruses and Other Infectious topic in Blendspace as what Dr. asked us to do.
5 minutes lessons in blendspace
Actually, on Thursday I already uploaded my mind map but when I open it on Saturday, mine was replaced by Nurin's mind map. XD . lucky I checked it out. huhu

Guys, try to explore this mind map on viruses and you will see this kind of lesson.

Back to my story on Friday, from 0830 until 1000, Dr had meeting. She was asked seniors to take over her place for do some activities with us and one of seniors there named Khairil who is master student that study on fungi (wear a flowering shirt) XD.. Actually every group had to plan a game. So, there was 10 games we gonna play until 1215.
Poison Paper Box
We were the 1st group that started the game. I didn't guess that my coursemate will transform to be like giant while playing this game. All the papers getting worst. No more heart shape and also box. HAHA. The game are organized badly :( 
Replay the games and stop after 10 minutes.

Time is running out. Another 9 group will present their games.
1. Flagella and cilia, Cytoplasm (Poison box)
2. Cell membrane (Roleplay)
3. Ribosome (Spin your Ribosome)
4.  Rough ER (Wheel decide)
5. Lysosome(Jump Lysosome Jump!)
6. Vacuole (Bingo)
7. Smooth ER (Lucky bottle)
8. Nucleus (Dart Quizzes)
9. Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Penalty)
10. Quiz oh Quiz (Mitochondria)

 One of the question given FROM Chew's group to us was...
Our answer is lyse word. But the answer got wrong! HAHA. We are honest without search it through the internet. Thats why we got wrong. XD. "Grig" was the answer = ="

This session was so fun and enjoyable. I don't think that its hard to score in this topic because this topic had been learned since our secondary school. I really23445 hope that I master in this topic. ngehngehngeh. :p In shaa Allah :) :) :)

What I have learned is :
1. Structures of Eukaryotic cells

  • Flagella and cilia
  • Cell membrane
  • Cytoplasm 
  • Ribosome
  • Organelles : 

    1. Nucleus
    2. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
    3. Golgi Apparatus
    4. Lysosomes
    5. Vacuoles
    6. Chloroplasts
    7. Mitochondria

    Lastly, I'm very sad because for the next class, Dr Wan not to teach us. I'm not sure until when Datin will take over our class. Also, I thought for 'Adopt a Microbe' project Dr will cancel it but it just a dream and will proceed as well. HAHA. Alright, till get together later and all the best ! :')


    Saturday 1 November 2014

    Toughest Week ~

    OCTOBER 27, 2014; MONDAY; 2 P.M. - 2 P.M; at BS 1.3

    Hi, Assalamualaikum w.b.t all..

    An extra class was held especially for us to finalize our poster, videos an etc for the exhibition. We had problems. Firstly, the content of the poster is not complete yet. I'm the person who was incharged on doing poster and worked together with Farah Ally. The more time I see the softcopy of the poster, the more thing I want to make over. Finally, I create a new poster because the old one was look messy, crowded and too formal. About 10 minutes later the new poster was done. Yeaaay :)

    We have no journal use for references to put on the poster. The truth is, I don't really understood what journal is? I thought that journal is something like sources from library that had been booklet. HAHA. So naive. = =" But now, I knew.

    The next difficulties that we had been through were in handling Aurasma.
    The image can't trigger the device to play the videos that we made. Huh. We got no time to try it so many times. We had decided to use the other application which is Zappar. Ha. Alhamdulillah. It is work.

    We was the last group leave the BS. If I not mistaken, the time was around 4.30p.m. Zahirah, Dayang and I were in rush went to Old Flat. Rainy day. Heavy rain. Forgot to bring umbrella. Its okay. Experience is the best teacher. Thumbs up!

    The A1 poster was printed with price RM30. Thanks to Him for ease our way :) A bit releived. We had no plan to do any props for the exhibition. No idea. may be because of we already exhausted. hee. At night, honestly, my attention, my focus more to SKP because we had presentation as 1st group to present. At the same time I had to study on my microbe baby Bt. hihi. Sorry Bt.

    October 28, 2014 ; Tuesday; Faculty Biotech 1

    Set up myself with Baju Kurung and went to class around 8 o'clock early. Krik krik. Nobody at there except Aishah. I don't know whether they all had planned to come late or not. hihi. While waiting for them to come, I had prepared points what I gonna say front of judges on a piece of paper. Relax and keep calm about 1 hour. Haha. Time is running. At 9 o'clock they started came and also did nothing. So relax. :D
    Dr Wan reached. Jeng jeng jengggg.. "People,, why don't you set up your posters?! Why did you being so relax?!" she shouted lovely. kihkih. All gonna be clumsy and had no direction. From that time, we lacked time to rest. I got headache .seriously, it was painful.
    Back to our poster,
    Bacillus thuringiensis
    How was the poster? So so right.. Congratulation to group 10 :)

    Ha, we use the Zappar for those who want to see our video.

    Steps to use Zappar:
    1. Download the Zappar application in your device from the Apps or Play store.
    2. Open the Zappar Channel URL in your browser to start the channel content downloading to your device.
    3. Point your device at the trigger code and watch the code come to life with video or other content.
    4. Interact with the content if able by tapping the screen or buttons.


    Why Bt?
    Try to zappar it. Good luck !

    There were 3 judges consists of Malay, Chinese and Indian. All of them are Dr. but I am not sure I know their name because I am freshie student. hehe. We were coming a Malay judges. She was like follow and just look at us what we gonna tell her. Start with Dayang who did introduction of Bt, followed by Zahirah explained about the benefits of Bt, Farah proceed with the applications and I on how does Bt works in plant cell which is the process. I'm glad that everything was running smoothly. :) But, the judges were the person who is very experts about microbes. Surely they were asked something out of our box of mind. :D 

    Question 1: Is this application are used in Malaysia?
    Question 2: Is Malaysia were produced products from benefits of Bt?
    Question 3: How actually the Bt can recognise and differentiate between the things that it want to harm of?
    Question 4: Is bacteria has blood capillaries? Haha. Because one of us said about the bacteria blood capillaries. :D
    Question 5: Where is actually the toxin located?

    So many things we don't know because of lack of knowledge and also less explore. Too bad. Most of the judges said if we really interested with the microbe, we have to ask what, where, when, why, who and how on the microbe. A lot of things we had to learn more, more and more. 

    Around 4 o'clock, we had done presenting in front of 3 judges. So exhausted. Lack of energy. Headache too. Next, preparing for SKP presentation. Tired but fun !

    October 31, 2014; at Lecture Hall; 8.00a.m.-10.00a.m.

    Honestly, I only studied on topic of fungi as preparation for the lecture. So, when the lecturer give a lecture, I slowly catch up what Dr are saying and try to do some action on it.

    Actually, the table that I made is not complete because I don't know and next week I try to ask my lecturer the answer.