Wednesday 22 April 2015


APRIL 22,2015; WEDNESDAY; 8.45AM -1200PM; 1.6 & 1.4

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

This is our first class with Dr. Wan Zuhainis. The lecture started at 8.45am at  BT1.6. Before we go through one by one of topic Bacteria, Archaea, Fungi, Algae, Protozoa and Virus. We are asked to form group of 6 which are Sabrina, Dayang, Zahirah, Sajidah, Erra and I and make a mind map on topic Protozoa by using Popplet.

This is how the mind map look like :)
I suggest you visit this to learn more and explore about this mind map. Good luck!

My part
Later, I will present about Sarcomastigophora which is divided into subphylum Mastigophora and Sarcodina within 2 minutes. I hope my group to succeed in this presentation. Ameen :)

APRIL 24, 2015; FRIDAY; 1000AM - 1200PM; 1.4

In topic Introduction to Microbial Systematic we are going to learn about 5 kingdoms.
Based on mind map in Popplet made by Group7, it tells about overall topic started with Bacteria, Archaea, Fungi, Viruses and Protozoa.

The first group represent all about bacteria. Bacteria and archaea under Kingdom Monera/Procaryotae. As human, we can not determine microorganism's characteristics as all of them are same. That's why we have to study about it. Traits that being used to classify bacteria are cell type (Procaryote/Eucaryote), morphology ( Shape, colour), metabolism, reproduction, phage typing, nucleic acid profile and antibiotic resistance profile. Impotant features fr metabolism are enzymes, metabolized sugars, metabolized amino acids, intermediates (precursor, pyruvic acid in Kreb's cycle/glycolysis, and electron carrier.), fermentation end products, and also photosynthesis.

Gram-negative bacteria is the most abundant than Gram-positive and most of them pathogenic because of of the cell wall and it is related to starin, a minor characteristics in species. It is divided into 2 groups based on reproduction and light which are Nonphototrophic is non phatogenic bacteria like Pseudomonas sp., Azobacter, Rhizobium while phototrophic (Anoxygenic/Oxygenic).

I just know that Proteus miraviease can cause urinary tract infection and also blood diarrhea which is disentry is caused by  E. coli. Furthermore, cellulase is used to degrade cellulose which contain lignin to form glucose. Dr. Wan remind us that viruses will only have either DNA or RNA while bacteria have both.

Some example of Gram-negative is E. coli O157 h7. h represents h-antigen that can be transfer by conjugation. It is pathogenic gene. This bacteria in a rod shape and have sex pilli.

Bacterial cell wall divided into 4:
1. Gram -ve + cell wall
2. Gram +ve + cell wall
3. Bacteria lacking cell wall
3. The archaebacteria

For your information, Gram-negative is more resistant than Gram-positive because Gram-negative have Beta-lactamase enzyme & at the outer layer contain lipopolysaccharide and porin.

For Gram-positive bacteria, I interested to write about Staphylococcus that can be found in our nose. Mostly, it is invaded to baby, old and HIV people. These group of people we called immunocompromised. Antibiotic will kill the cell by lyse the cell wall and also inhibit protein synthesis of ribosome.

Questions about the topic

  1. Causes of lyme disease
  2.  All about Cutinous anthrax can be explain through this link. Find it out!
  3. Bacteriochlorophyll is while chlorophyll is...
  4. Trichome fregmentation is
  5. Gangrene is disease that infected by Clostridium perfringens. Gas gangrene is gas that clogs blood vessels, may necessitate amputation.

Next, group 4 presented about Archaea

The answers

 That's all folks.. Byee :*

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