Sunday 19 October 2014

Dissapointed moment

OCTOBER 14, 2014 ; TUESDAY; 10 A.M - 12 P.M at BS 1.4

Assalamualaikum and hi.

At hostel, a very little time that I used mobile data to save my budget. Therefore, I was very hardly sign in uSpot every single time to surf an internet. Last night, in a mood of Kenegaraan Malaysia, preparing for tomorow quiz, I was informed that Dr was asked to BYON and also BYOD. BYON? Algae and Fungi? Aduhh, I don't have any notes. Not in my mind that Dr will upload the notes in Putra LMS. So, I had to borrow Fatin's matriculation notes of biology and started to make a short notes. I sacrifice my time for the sake of Microbiology. wink wink ;) ;) In midnight, notes done! Sleepy (zzZZz). So, dear SKP, we will continue tomorrow.

At lecture hall, I held a bit late. Most of us were late attending the lecture and Dr. asked us to hurry by telling through BMY3101 whatsapp group. For the first time, I sat at the right side of lecture hall. Then, I brought my notebook and turned it on at the back. The lecture started with all the questions about our project, Thank a Microbe. About 10 minutes then, Dr proceed to Fungi topic. Ha, I made a mind up about Fungi and Algae based on matriculation notes in form of hardcopy and softcopy also. Actually, I prepared my short notes about algae and fungi. But, at morning, I read whatsapp and Dr told to make it in form of softcopy. Therefore, I quickly do a mind map by using examtime (1st time). I brought both to the lecture.

The test had been done by last Friday and surely, Dr was finished marking papers on Tuesday. During the lecture, Dr mention that only 5 persons got full marks. O.O! They were Malik, Syafiq, Radin, Choyy and Chew. All boys. Girls were very dissapointed and i can conclude that the mood were veryveryvery down at that time. It affect my day. Dr though that because of our quiz in evening but actually because of the result. Huwaaa :'( I can't smile. I can't focus on fungi. I can't talk also. HUHU. No interest to study at the day. Oh,, very over the top. Please laa.. I really hope that I am not the person having lowest mark for the test but not really hope to have highest mark. I have to work harder and smartly manage my time to study while busy with other things. Thanks Dr and my fellow friend :)

Sunday 12 October 2014

Informative week ;)

OCTOBER 7, 2014; 10 A.M.- 12.00P.M

Hello, Ladies and gentleman. Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Last lecture, we were stop discussed about plasmid. Then, we continued with inclusions until endospore structure. 

From this subsubtopic,,
Points that I had highlighted out of lacture notes :

1. Ribosomes has 70S subunit (30S small + 50S large)
    -Why not 80S subunit? Because about 10S were loss during protein synthesis.
2. Inclusions : serve as basis identification
            1. Carbon dioxide fixation (Calvin cycle)
            2. Microbial nutrition : i. Carbon source ii. Energy source
3. Photosyntetic microbe (obtain food through photosynthesis)
    Heterotroph : Others
4. Magnetosomes
    - Allign themselves in magnetic field of the earth for look oxygen concentrate area (microaerophile)
5. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
    e.g : Hair dye
6. Aquatic bacteria (spiral shape)
    -Bacteria that prevent toxicity
    -Aerobic : without magnetosomes, has peroxilase (strategy to prevent themselves from H2O2 accumulation
    -Aerobic will die
    -Magnetic field at core
3. Endospores (Gram +ve)
    -xerophilic : microbe that can  survive in desiccation (extreme dryness)
    - e.g: Dipicolinic acid prevent from desiccation
1. Endospores and Infactious Disease:
    - Bacillus anthracis
    - Clostridium tetani : easily can be found cause tetanus (kancing gigi)
    - Clostridium botulinum : cause diarhea
    - Clostridium perfringens : gas gengrin
       e.g : Myomicrosis (cell death)
       cut leg: amputate

Extra info

OCTOBER  10, 2014; FRIDAY; 8.30A.M. – 12.30P.M. 

Hi and Assalamualikum.. 

Book of Record of October :
4 hours of Microbiology class :D

Test 1
Time :  8.45-10.15a.m.
Venue: Biotech 2 (scary building)
1. Introduction to microbial world
2. Microscopy
3. Introduction to Prokaryotes (until inclusion)

There are Section A and Section B. Fuhh, seriously, not ready yet to be tested. Not enough revesion. Sorry Dr. Wan. For me, the questions quiet tough. I don’t know why some question have more than one answer. Huhu. Confused! As usual, I always got sleepy during exams. Argh, can’t get focus. Another 15 minutes left, Dr allowed us to leave the lecture hall. Yeaay.. We went to cafe at Fakulti Ekonomi. Waahhhh,, cheesy sandwich !  Sphagetty ! yummyyy :D I brought chocolate moist cake, my dearest mummy made it. Very delicious. The best of chocolate cake all over the world. Seriously! Haha. Sorry Dr, I didn’t relised either you got test it or not. Huhu. Sorry2. If you did, makes me feel happy 
Next session, we continued with other activities. For topic of Protozoa, we have to sit in a group and do discussion. The objective is to discuss, decide and share with friends what type of effective learning skills we have to do. Thats was fun! In my opinion, I prefer to do short notes because I can remember what I wrote on the paper, every pages, every single images and words. In shaa Allah. Different person come up with different skills. So, we decided to do mind map using as majority suggestion. Done. My group (Group 10) was the first presenter. Alhamdulillah. Time running smoothly. Great.

Suggestion learning skills:
1. Mind map
2. Symphony
3. Song
4. Q & A

Sunday 5 October 2014

Microbiologyphile ;) :)

OCTOBER 3, 2014; FRIDAY; at BS 1.4

Anaeyonghasayo ! Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hi everyone..

10 minutes early I had been in the class with my heavy bag pack. I have a problem with BYOD because the battery of my lappy can not retain longer. So, I have to bring the cable but I can not find where I can plug in. Ha. There is a plug at the back but I prefer to sit in front at lecture hall because I can not see clearly the screen. I decided to only use my smartphone to do that task given. Not very lucky, my phone cannot open the file format of the assignment.Huhu. No choice, I have to borrow my friend’s laptop to turn in the assignment. Thanks Dayang and sorry because make you trouble..

On the spot assignment at edmodo
The thruth is, I know the roles of the structures more than that. But I had been in rushed because we share a laptop. Huhu. Very upset. :(

The lecture started with the announcement:
Test1 : October 10,2014 at Biotech 2 (Bilik Seminar 2.2)

Actually, after the lecture done, I in process doing a mind map for subtopic of cell wall. But not done yet. Later I will update this entry by inserting the mindmap that I make through I relised that do mindmap is veryveryvery important because from that way of learning skill I can remember more during exam or anytime. In shaa Allah.. Many things that I want to share in this entry but got no enough time right now. huhu. sorry2. Not done yet my revision. till blogging later. Byee~