Wednesday 20 May 2015



The class is begin with a lot of question by Dr. Wan. She likes to let us think and find out by ourselves. No such thing "I don't know" when we were asked. As university students, we should say "I'm not sure about that, but later I'll find out".. :D

Some of question from Dr.
  1. Do you know what is biological agent?
    It is other living organism that we use to control/kill/inhibit growth
  2. Daun Kapal Terbang have antimicrobial properties. It had been used since couple decade years ago to treat wounds.
  3. What is meant by isolate?
    Isolate is to obtain (a substance or microorganism) or sample in an uncombined or pure state.
  4. How would we know the temperature for it to grow?
    From source of place that we take the sample.
    1) Identify
    2) Prepare media
    3) Isolate
  5. Pure culture is the growth of only one microorganism in a culture. We can do subculture into a fresh media.
  6. What makes them grow? Get nutrient.

THURSDAY, 21ST MAY 2015; BS1.4; 9A.M. - 11A.M.

Today, we learned a new application which is thinglink

At the same day, we have learnt how to use and this is mine. :)


WEDNESDAY, 13th MAY 2015; BS 1.6

Hey, assalamualaikum all!

Class had been started at 8.30 morning. We are celebrating our dearest mommy Dr. Wan Zuhainis's birthday.

Okay, lets continue...

Then, Dr Wan finished on topic Principles of Ecology. We were asked to summarise what we have learned on this topic.

Thanks to Radin's group for preparing a very attractive and funny video in powtoon about Principle of Ecology.

Without referring to a lecture notes, we have to describe what we have learnt and what we know about biogeochemical cycles by using Popplet.

I've done doing quizzes about this topic in Kubbu and have been graded. 




Hey, Assalamualaikum all!
I would like to reflect a little bit about algae as what I've learnt just now in lecture. Can you imagine What does it look like? Let me show you..
Filamentous Algae
Volvox aureus, a species of green alga commonly found in lakes, ponds and ditches
What special about algae are the differences with other photosynthetic eucaryotes which are lack of vascular conducting system and have simple reproductive structure.

There are 3 types which are planktonic (suspended in aqueous environment), benthic(attached and living on the bottom of water) and neustonic (at water-atmosphere interface). According to wikipedia, river ecosystems are prime examples of lotic ecosystems. Lotic refers to flowing water. Start from terrestrial, there are moist rocks, trees and soil. Endosymbionts are smaller symbiotic partners living inside a host organism, establishing endosymbiosis. The symbionts may live within the host's cells (intracellular) or outside cells (extracellular) in multicellular hosts like protozoa, mollusks, worms, corals, fungi(lichen).
Taxonomical, morphological and ecological diversity among green algae

I'm not very clear about these three terms which are oogamy, isogamy and heterogamy. As I explore, all the three terms mean 'Union of gametes or sex cells or eggs and the sperms during fertilization '. 'Gamy' is the common factor that indicates union. The difference lies in the type of gametes or sex cells. .
  • Isogamy & Heterogamy ---> Female and male
  • Oogamy & Heterogamy ---> Motile and non-motile 
  • Syngamy --> Fusion of gamete into zygote
Did you ever heard that diatoms stores their food in form of oil? It is exciting right? Let us see this simple diaghgram
 That's all from me. :)


FRIDAY, 8TH MAY 2015; Kampung Selat, Parit, Perak

I had very busy and exhausting day at Perak. I can't attend class today because of Bakti Siswa 'Siswa@Kampung' under Co-curricular. I had stayed with my adopted parents house for 3 days 2 night.

Everything went smoothly, and I am having fun while working hard like doing mural and ect. and learning something new each and everyday. Whats make I frust is that I got a pretty bad sunburn on my face. Hmm... Okay, I've look forward to work and learn everyday instead of hating it.
I even have some left over work as treasurer to meet them tomorrow.

Well it is time to do my stretching exercises for my back and I feel like getting fever. Hopefuly not.

Have a great night and a sparkling day tomorrow. Bye all!



Assalamualaikum :)

Today we learn about Microbial Groups. I think I like this topic because it's quiiet easy to understand and of course because the lecture note thinner than others. Okay, let's get started! Before this, I think to indicate microbial growth, we have to look at the size of population or individual growth. But that's was wrong. Microbial growth is based on size of population. Did you know the methods of microbial reproduction? There is 5 which are binarry fission, budding, fragmentation, formation of spores and sexual reproduction.

The terms pure culture is only use in the laboratory because microorganisms do not grow as pure culture in the environment but it's exist as microbial community out there. Then, we go through requirements for development of microbial community. Firstly, physical growth requirements are light, temperature, pH, water activity and osmotic pressure. Microbes that need light we call it as phototroph because it undergo photosynthesis to produce glucose. The lower density of light, lower phototrophs while in terms of wavelenght, it depends on photopigments. Based on the notes, I don't really understand what is meant by require/kill by light. Later I will ask Dr. Wan. Secondly, temperature will affects microbial reproduction. There are 3 groups of microbes:
a. Mesophiles (25-40 C)
b. Psychrophiles ( <0 C but optimal at 15C)
c. Psychrotrophs (optimal at 20-30 C)
d. Thermophiles (optimal 45 C - 50 C or higher)

Next is pH. Most bacteria can grow in pH 5-9 while fungi from pH 2-9. Very important to differentiate between Acidophiles and Alkaliphiles. Acidiphiles can survive in extreme low pH like archaebacteria while alkaliphiles prefer alkaline condition.

Water activity and osmotic pressure also important to make water movement. Water is very necessary for growth. What's difference between bacteria and fungi is in their habitat. Higher water activity for bacteria and vice versa. What is osmosis? It is diffusion of fluid through a semipermeable membrane from high concentration of water to low concentration of water. Osmotic pressure is needed to make froce to drive water movement. In addition,
Hypertonic --> Plasmolysis; Hypotonic --> Lysis
 Water Activity is the measurement of water that are not associated with solids or solutes (free water). The lower the solute, the higher the water activity that support more microorganisms like bacteria need 0.91 while fungi need 0.7 only. Water will flow from higher water activity to lower water activity. As an example, honey will absorb water from the air.

That's all for today. BYE :)