Saturday 13 December 2014

YAKULT visit~

DECEMBER 8, 2014; MONDAY; 1.30 P.M. - 7.00 P.M.

Hello everyone~
1.30pm. Everyone (almost!) has arrived, and we visit YAKULT factory located in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malysia. The talk will begin at 3pm about an hour. All of us are ready to start bright and early! Then, we took a short walking tour of factory, followed by the photo session.

What I got from the talk given are:
The Yakult factory produces Yakult for the whole of Malaysia, as well as for export to neighbouring countries.

Take note while listening.
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Written on the pamphlet:
"Beautiful skin starts from the inside"
"The intestinal flora certainly do work magic. When they are balanced, the complexion improves dramatically."-Minako Yamamoto\TEC- Certified International Beauty Specialist

All of us got a bottle of Ace Yakult as a gift.


YAKULT's Activities

Together We Are ONE ! 
DECEMBER 9 , 2014; TUESDAY; 10.00 A.M. - 12.00 at 1.4

Today we learn about Nutritional types of microorganisms.

Is all about basic concepts of microbial metabolisms, the roles of enzymes and also to differentiate the microbial metabolic pathways.

What is metabolism?
Metabolism is change, pertains to the chemical reactions and physical workings of the cell. Also, it is sum of all chemical reactions within the cell.

Catabolism + Anabolism = metabolism

Microbial Metabolism

An enzyme is a biological catalyst made of protein. It alters the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being chemically changed at the end of the reaction.

Catalyst is a chemical agent that changes the rate of reaction without being consumed by the reaction.

This is very important to remember

Enzyme components

Enzyme Properties:
1. Protein
2. Reusable because not be altered permenantly.
3. Catalyst
4. Essential
5. Specificity

Mechanism of enzyme action
Characteristics of Enzyme Active Site

  • Catalytic site- where the reaction actually occurs
  • Binding site- Area that hold substrate in proper place with noncovalent interactions weakly.
    Shape is complementary to the substrate and determines the specificity of the enzyme.

Factors affecting enzyme activity

1. Temperature : Usually optimum at 40 degree celcius (Rumen) and denatured at 60 degree celcius.
2. pH : at rumen, optimum is 6.5
3. Concentration (enzyme and substrate)

4. Inhibitors

This week was very busy. Many works, assignment, lab report. Huh. So tired.
On my way finishing my adopted microbes project.
Wish me luck guys!

DECEMBER 11, 2014; THURSDAY; 8.00 A.M. - 12.00 at 2.2

We are going to continue our tutor discussing about Energy production
1. Concept of oxidation-reduction
- Oxidation : remove electron, remove proton, gain oxygen
- Reduction : gain electron, gain proton, remove oxygen
2. Mechanisms of ATP generation
NAD+ reduced to NADH
so, NAD+ is the oxidised form while NADH is the reduced form.
NADH is the electron carriers (bring electron to ETC.

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