Friday 19 September 2014

1st journey~~

SEPTEMBER 9, 2014; TUESDAY : 10.05a.m.-12.00 p.m.

Hello, Hye and Assalamualaikum w.b.t everyone !

Actually, I am new to blogging. I think I will never write a blog for the rest of my life if Dr. doesn't ask to create a blog than make a diary. This is my first blog then. huhu..
Okayy.. Let me story mory a little bit about my journey of studies. :) :)  
At first, when I received an UPU results, a bit sad to know that I get Microbiology course. I have no interest to study about microbes because is about tiny and small things that cant be seen through our naked eyes except of microscope and etc. For me it was complicated. So I think in my condition, having short-sightness with power of 250 for my eyes.. OMG! I see blur and BLUR!!
I also curious about what can I do by studying this course in my future? Am I get a job?  Are microbiologist is needed nowdays? The only things that I can think is being a lecturer by further my studies until Phd. Therefore, I have to workharder and harder and also be a smart person to live in this university life. Mummyyyy…. :’(
1st day lectures : JENG JENG JENG.... :p
"Dear God,, please not send a scaredy cat lecturer to us. please pleeease.. Aaamiinn" That was my dua' for that class. 
Hah. Dr. Wan was entering Bilik Seminar 1.3 or Bilik Mesyuarat (not very sure the exactly place) about 5 minutes late. She was enter ther class a bit clumsy and I like to see the way Dr. wearing her scarf. SO CUTE maa.. ;) ;)    I sat on the comfort chair and if I not mistaken, I was at center of the room. Dr. give a briefing  about the things that we should do in her class. We had been stressed to remember all the times that once we enter microbiology class, no more animal, plant, or such unrelated things with microbes. It is because when Dr. asking about microbes, most of students answers about elephant and so on. HAHA. Actually, she was very sporting, funny and easy going person. Alhamdulillah,, praise to Him for sending a good lecturer to us.

Dr. started to give us a task. Wow! why Dr was so advanced?? Seems like she knows everything about social media and nowdays technology and applications. Honestly, all those kind of things that she mentioned, I never heard before. For example Edmodo, Blendspace, Padlet and ect. I felt like Dr. is a Gen-Y and I the old lady that so ketinggalan zaman. I really hope that she have a very high level of patient to me. Because, I think sometimes I am a slow learner and blur for doing that kind of things espeacially related to IT, smartphone and etc. So Dr,, please mole me (meow meow).. HEHE

Alright. For the 1st lecture is about ---> 

  1. We have to go to this websites (
Haihh,, Actually my answer for this question is not as this short but it was quiet long.  I dont know why only this appeared = ="

2. After done with task 1, we proceed with this website (

Haa,, this one got no problem.. I love my country damn much! Malaysia~~ :*
That's all from me. Sincerely, SarahAliah :))

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