Friday 26 September 2014

3rd week being microbiology student ~


Hi everyone ! Assalamualaikum w.b.t ..

‘Replacement class’ ==”  .Very tired and lazy to attend. Actually, there is no BMY3101 on Monday but we have to replace the class for last holiday on Tuesday.  Glad to be there because the class was enjoyable J

Everyday Dr. have announcement to announce. At that day, Dr. told that our project title was change from ‘Adopt a Microbe’ to ‘Thank a Microbe’. Maybe this is due to some students suggestion but it sounds great. I never think of that. My type is just accept what others give to me. Hehe.

Title: Thank a Microbe
Learning Activities: Beneficial of microbes and the application.
I really hope that I will achieve the objective of this assignment.

Due date: October 18th, 2014 (Saturday)
My group (Group 10) for this assignment are:
1. Me
2. Zahirah
3. Farah Ally
4. Dayang
This group only 4 because at first we thought that Chinese will join our group but  then its too late. Huhu. Sorry Radin because we reject you.:’(

As result from our discussion, the microbe that we will thank of is Bacillus thuringiesis in agriculture field. This task will be present in two minutes video together with the A1 size of poster. To do this project, we have to use one of an application called Aurasma. We will use  a new technology that can change the way we look at the object. It works with smartphone and tablets to, in real time, turn static images or even objects into videos, games and interactive experiences. To use it, we have to aim our phone at a poster and see a video about that poster.

Furthermore, Dr. announce that we have individually task and must hand in as digital scrapbook on December 9th,2014 (Sunday). L So many work. (Its okay Sarah,, you can do it!! Oh Allah.. please ease my wayyyyy)
Every task that Dr give to us have their particular application. Haaa, as I said, Dr Wan is a superwoman. She knows everything.. AWESOME!

Microscopy was the topic.

The points I have highlighted:
1.    Categories of microscopes
2.    Types of microscopes
3.    Types of stains and it uses
4.    Type of light microscopes
5.    H1N1 can be treated by Tamiflu (made of China) that contains Illicium verum (bunga lawang).
6.    The procedure of gram-staining
7.    Mostly gram-positive in coccus shape while gram-negative in rod-shape.
8.    Crystal violet is use to kill the bacteria
9.    Iodene treatment for retained the colour of bacteria.
10. Decolorization by using ethanol or acetone.
11. Fastidious means CEREWET. (e.g. Mycobacterium)
12. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) :
·         Cause peptic ulcers but most people with H. pylori in their digestive systems donot develop ulcers. Next, infection in the stomach and upper part of the small intestine (duodenum).
·         4 test are used to detect H. pylori:   (source :
1.    Blood antibody test
·         To see whether your body has made antibodies to bacteria. If you have antibodies to H. pylori in your blood, it means either you are currently infected or have been infected in the past.
2.    Urea breath test
·         To see if you have H. pyloribacteria in stomach. Itcan show if you have the bacteria infection. Also, to see if treatment has worked to get rid of it.
3.    Stool antigen test
·         To see if substences that trigger the immune system to fight an H. pylori infection are present in your feces. Stool antigen testing may be done to help support a diagnosis of the bacteria infection or to find out whether treatment for an H. pylori infection has been successful.
4.    Stomach biopsy
·         A small sample (biopsy) is taken fro the lining of your stomach and small intestine during an endoscopy. Several different test may be done on the biopsy sample.
Gastric Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp Treated with Helicobacter pyloriEradication Therapy

H. pylori

The muddiest point:
1.    DNA found by Woese and Sanger? As I know it is found by Francis Crick and James Watson.
2.    The gram-staining is only for bacteria but then if im not mistaken Dr. said that archae also can use gram-staining. A bit confuse. Blur.

1.    Sometimes I turn in blur mood. :D
So, I hope Dr. will recognize which person are blur and you will explain it clearly. Hehee.. Actually, I do not know how to describe the situations and what is my problem?
2.    Must all of us to do mind map for every topic because it works for us to remember easily.


September 23rd, 2014 (Tuesday) at Bilik Seminar 1.4

Various application for mind map making:
1.    Mindmeister
2.    Mindomo
3.    Mind42
4.    Simplemind
5.    Mindmaple
6.    Mindmup
7.    Connected mind
8.    Examtime
9.    Popplet

Try to explore the applications. It will make your life better and being proactive teacher, students or workers.

In my opinion, mapping will ease the way to remember and save the time to study, espeacially for science students. In exam,we will figure it out and imagine what we have done on mapping. Therefore, I think Dr. should continue ‘forcing’ us to make a mind map for every topic. It was a GREAT idea eventhough we are quiet hardly to make it. J


September 26, 2014 (Friday) at Bilik Seminar 1.4

We already submitted our mind map for internal cell structure of prokaryotic cell. This task was individually. 

For me, if you are about study or doing revision, make sure your hands move on. Either you are writing, or typing. It will make our revision more effective. 

Half and hour starting of lecture are turn off colours. Sleepy zZZZzz.. May be it is due to my lackness which is not study before enter the lecture. The topic was about external cell structure that including flagella, axial filaments, Glycocalyx , frimbiae and pili.
I thought Dr. want to do quiz . Luckily, it just an activity that all of us can not have to discuss but reflect what we have learn and do mapping about prokaryotes on a white board. Oh,, it was interesting. I like it. But, a bit unsatisfied towards ‘C’ and ‘M’. Why they were so excited until all I want to write on that board they take. Haha. By the way, they were so funny.

The point I have highlited :
1.    Autoclave: Are used for applications requiring constant pressure and temperature for long periods of time. Common application:
·         Sterilization of instruments.
·         Polymerization of rubbers and plastics.
2.    Spirillium inside water.

3.    Treponema pallidum is a spirochaete bacterium with subspeicies that cause treponemal disease. Treponemas only visible using dark field illumination.
4.    The relationship between size and shape of bacteria:
The shape will determine ability of movement. Therefore, the smaller the size will make it move faster because the shape is more flexible.

Thats all.. Arigato !!

Sunday 21 September 2014

2nd day lecture~

SEPTEMBER 19, 2014; FRIDAY; 10:00a.m.-12:00p.m.

Hello,, ladies and gentleman !

Fuhh. Dr. Wan is a very proactive and energatic person. This time, we have to do list :
1. SGL Grouping
2. Calender
3. Blendspace
4. Padlet
5. Jing (not sounds familiar right??)

Her teaching skills was great !
So people, I suggest to try to do those things because it was very interesting and useful. We have to do some enovation in ourselves to be different from others, extraordinary person and then achive success. All of people is not impossible to succeed in their life but the is different either take a short or long time to grab it.

Our teacher is just like an arrow. So, just follow your arrow whenever it points.. :):)
Okay,, for this 2nd lecture, there was so many input that increase my knowledge. The topic is The History of Microbiology (Topic1-Introduction of Microbiology):

My reflective of lecture:1.
    is a thin but robust layer of mucilage adhering to a solid surface and containing a community of bacteria and other microorganisms.
 2. Louis Pasteur : father of microbiology

 3. The largest Bacterium : Thiomargarita namibiensis is a gram-negative coccoid Proteobacterium, found in the ocean sediments with a rule 0.1–0.3 mm in diameter, but sometimes attaining 0.75 mm.  

4. What is the shape of fungi? 
  = Hyphae (long filaments of cells joined together).  
  • septate hyphae (in most molds) contain septa (cross-walls) that divide the hyphae into distinct, uninucleate (one nucleus) cell like units.   
  • coenocytic hyphae (in a few classes of fungi) contain no septa and look like long continuous cells with many nuclei.  
haa,, for sure uolls never heard about diatom right? hehe :p
Diatoms are a major group of algae, and are among the most common types of phytoplankton. Most diatoms are unicellular, although they can exist as colonies in the shape of filaments or ribbons, fans, zigzags, or stars. Here the picture:

Here is a focus-stacked 6-frame micromosaic of a Diatom Exhibition slide taken with a magnification of x200. (source:

6. Clostridium Botulinum can produce alpha-toxin and also can cause food poisoning that came from can food. Moreover, it use in botox usage (cosmetic). Alpha-toxin is a toxin by fungus.

7. Actually, cheese holes is made up of different types of bacterium. wow! haha.. now I know.. :D

8. Fungi + bacteria = mutualism (microbial interaction) = for logistic
9. Penicilium ---> penicilin (antibiotic)

10. Chitin found in insects.

Muddiest point :
1. Sea witch
 --> recently find out that Sea Witch was a container ships which was involved in serious collision in New York in 1973 with the oil tanker Esso Brussels.(source: is that what Dr. mean?

Okay,, bye..

Friday 19 September 2014

1st journey~~

SEPTEMBER 9, 2014; TUESDAY : 10.05a.m.-12.00 p.m.

Hello, Hye and Assalamualaikum w.b.t everyone !

Actually, I am new to blogging. I think I will never write a blog for the rest of my life if Dr. doesn't ask to create a blog than make a diary. This is my first blog then. huhu..
Okayy.. Let me story mory a little bit about my journey of studies. :) :)  
At first, when I received an UPU results, a bit sad to know that I get Microbiology course. I have no interest to study about microbes because is about tiny and small things that cant be seen through our naked eyes except of microscope and etc. For me it was complicated. So I think in my condition, having short-sightness with power of 250 for my eyes.. OMG! I see blur and BLUR!!
I also curious about what can I do by studying this course in my future? Am I get a job?  Are microbiologist is needed nowdays? The only things that I can think is being a lecturer by further my studies until Phd. Therefore, I have to workharder and harder and also be a smart person to live in this university life. Mummyyyy…. :’(
1st day lectures : JENG JENG JENG.... :p
"Dear God,, please not send a scaredy cat lecturer to us. please pleeease.. Aaamiinn" That was my dua' for that class. 
Hah. Dr. Wan was entering Bilik Seminar 1.3 or Bilik Mesyuarat (not very sure the exactly place) about 5 minutes late. She was enter ther class a bit clumsy and I like to see the way Dr. wearing her scarf. SO CUTE maa.. ;) ;)    I sat on the comfort chair and if I not mistaken, I was at center of the room. Dr. give a briefing  about the things that we should do in her class. We had been stressed to remember all the times that once we enter microbiology class, no more animal, plant, or such unrelated things with microbes. It is because when Dr. asking about microbes, most of students answers about elephant and so on. HAHA. Actually, she was very sporting, funny and easy going person. Alhamdulillah,, praise to Him for sending a good lecturer to us.

Dr. started to give us a task. Wow! why Dr was so advanced?? Seems like she knows everything about social media and nowdays technology and applications. Honestly, all those kind of things that she mentioned, I never heard before. For example Edmodo, Blendspace, Padlet and ect. I felt like Dr. is a Gen-Y and I the old lady that so ketinggalan zaman. I really hope that she have a very high level of patient to me. Because, I think sometimes I am a slow learner and blur for doing that kind of things espeacially related to IT, smartphone and etc. So Dr,, please mole me (meow meow).. HEHE

Alright. For the 1st lecture is about ---> 

  1. We have to go to this websites (
Haihh,, Actually my answer for this question is not as this short but it was quiet long.  I dont know why only this appeared = ="

2. After done with task 1, we proceed with this website (

Haa,, this one got no problem.. I love my country damn much! Malaysia~~ :*
That's all from me. Sincerely, SarahAliah :))